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What is the selection method of connection fittings for power overhead lines?

  • Classification:Company news
  • author:Dapeng power
  • release time:2022-01-12
  • Views:174

What is the selection method of connection fittings for power overhead lines?


Overhead line is the aorta of power system, and its performance directly determines the stability and transmission performance of power system; Among them, the essential is the connecting hardware, which is mainly used to assemble the suspension insulator into a string, and connect and hang the insulator string on the cross arm of the tower; Connection fittings shall be used for the connection between suspension clamp, tension clamp and insulator string, and the connection between stay wire fittings and tower; According to the service conditions, it is divided into two categories: special connection fittings and general connection fittings; The first two are mainly used to cooperate with the connection of spherical insulator string and the connection between insulator and tower or other fittings, such as U-shaped hanging plate, parallel hanging plate, connecting plate, etc; So what are the key points for choosing the method of connecting fittings?

Verification of mechanical load: the mechanical load of connecting fittings is determined according to the electromechanical failure load of selected insulators under daily conditions. Connecting fittings with the same load grade have wide interchangeability. In fact, in its design, in order to simplify the load grade of fittings, it is determined according to several damage loads of insulators. Each form of insulator is matched with fittings with the same load.

Nominal (refers to the relevant product performance and quality elements such as specifications and values indicated on the product) failure load series or part connection dimensions: if the load used in the selection is less than the nominal failure load series, the connection fittings with corresponding nominal failure load shall be selected; If the service load is greater than the nominal load series, the larger connecting hardware shall be selected;

Connection method: the configuration principle of connecting fittings: the ring is buckled with the ring, and the plate is matched with the rod (spiral rod). For example, the U-shaped hanging plate has good adaptability. When the conductor swings, the bending stress generated by the hanging plate is small, but there is no bending moment when the wire is broken; The structure of the bearing point on the cross arm is also relatively simple, which is one of the reasonable connection methods;

  • Classification:Company news
  • author:Dapeng power
  • release time:2022-01-12
  • Views:174

Overhead line is the aorta of power system, and its performance directly determines the stability and transmission performance of power system; Among them, the essential is the connecting hardware, which is mainly used to assemble the suspension insulator into a string, and connect and hang the insulator string on the cross arm of the tower; Connection fittings shall be used for the connection between suspension clamp, tension clamp and insulator string, and the connection between stay wire fittings and tower; According to the service conditions, it is divided into two categories: special connection fittings and general connection fittings; The first two are mainly used to cooperate with the connection of spherical insulator string and the connection between insulator and tower or other fittings, such as U-shaped hanging plate, parallel hanging plate, connecting plate, etc; So what are the key points for choosing the method of connecting fittings?

Verification of mechanical load: the mechanical load of connecting fittings is determined according to the electromechanical failure load of selected insulators under daily conditions. Connecting fittings with the same load grade have wide interchangeability. In fact, in its design, in order to simplify the load grade of fittings, it is determined according to several damage loads of insulators. Each form of insulator is matched with fittings with the same load.

Nominal (refers to the relevant product performance and quality elements such as specifications and values indicated on the product) failure load series or part connection dimensions: if the load used in the selection is less than the nominal failure load series, the connection fittings with corresponding nominal failure load shall be selected; If the service load is greater than the nominal load series, the larger connecting hardware shall be selected;

Connection method: the configuration principle of connecting fittings: the ring is buckled with the ring, and the plate is matched with the rod (spiral rod). For example, the U-shaped hanging plate has good adaptability. When the conductor swings, the bending stress generated by the hanging plate is small, but there is no bending moment when the wire is broken; The structure of the bearing point on the cross arm is also relatively simple, which is one of the reasonable connection methods;


Zhejiang Dapeng Power Equipment Co., Ltd

Add:Southeast gate, No. 1, Shubei Road, Dongfang Industrial Zone, wengxiang street, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province


